Baxter Family Reunion
Bloomington, IN
June 9 10am-1pm
Summer adventure of a lifetime
Join Baxter Family fans from around the nation and world!
Explore twenty detailed Baxter sites in Bloomington, IN, home of the Baxters!
Itinerary & Details:
Check-in!! 10 am - 1 pm - Check in at the Baxters favorite church: Emmanuel Church, 1503 W. That Rd, in Bloomington. Meet Karen Kingsbury!
Gifts - Present your ticket at the check-in table to receive your autographed book and exclusive souvenir Baxter Family Reunion map.
Video - After check-in, step into the church to watch a special video! See exclusive behind the scenes footage of my upcoming TV show – The Baxters. You’ll also hear from me about little-known Baxter Family facts and fun stories.
Meet Karen - Next visit with Karen in the lobby, take a picture and have your book personalized!
The Bloomington Adventure - After this, the reunion truly begins!! You and your family or friends will travel through Bloomington visiting more than a dozen spots located on the souvenir Baxter Family Reunion map. See all the places where your favorite characters live, work, eat, and play! Take pictures, share the adventure, make a scrapbook, tell your social media. Dream of all the ways you have seen the Baxters at those exact locations!
Saturday, 2 pm – OPTIONAL Picnic at Bryan Park in Bloomington - bring your own lunch and meet up with Baxter Family fans from around the nation and world! Make friends! Take pictures! Wear a nametag with your favorite Baxter character!
Sunday 9:30 am – OPTIONAL Sherwood Oaks Christian Church - the Baxters’ church! 2700 E. Rogers Rd., Bloomington. If you stay through Sunday, join other Baxter fans at church before leaving town!
Your ticket includes an autographed copy of my new book To the Moon and Back
Your ticket also includes an exclusive souvenir Baxter Family Reunion map!